

Synaptic input architecture of visual cortical neurons revealed by large-scale synapse imaging without backpropagating action potentials
Satoru Kondo, Kohei Kikuta, Kenichi Ohki
eLife  2025


Orthogonalization of spontaneous and stimulus-driven activity by hierarchical neocortical areal network in primates
Teppei Matsui, Takayuki Hashimoto, Tomonari Murakami, Masato Uemura, Kohei Kikuta, Toshiki Kato, Kenichi Ohki
Nat Commun 2024


Ketamine-induced 1-Hz oscillation of spontaneous neural activity is not directly visible in the hemodynamics 
Ruixiang Li, Kenichi Ohki, Teppei Matsui
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023

Adversarial attacks and defenses using feature-space stochasticity
Jumpei Ukita and Kenichi Ohki
Neural Networks 2023


Modular strategy for development of the hierarchical visual network in mice
Tomonari Murakami, Teppei Matsui, Masato Uemura, Kenichi Ohki
Nature 2022

Response Selectivity of the Lateral Posterior Nucleus Axons Projecting to the Mouse Primary Visual Cortex
Satoru Kondo, Yuko Kiyohara, Kenichi Ohki
Front. Neural Circuits 2022


Chromatic micromaps in primary visual cortex
Soumya Chatterjee, Kenichi Ohki, R Clay Reid 
Nat Commun 2021


Long-Range Interhemispheric Projection Neurons Show Biased Response Properties and Fine-Scale Local Subnetworks in Mouse Visual Cortex.
Kenta Hagihara,Ayako Wendy Ishikawa,Yumiko Yoshimura,Yoshiaki Tagawa,Kenichi Ohki.Cerebral Contex,2020

Natural images are reliably represented by sparse and variable populations of neurons in visual cortex
Yoshida T, Ohki K. Nature Communications, 2020

Characterisation of nonlinear receptive fields of visual neurons by convolutional neural network
Ukita J, Yoshida T, Ohki K. Scientific Reports, 2019

Cell-Type-Specific Thalamocortical Inputs Constrain Direction Map Formation in Visual Cortex
Nishiyama M, Matsui T, Murakami T, Hagihara K, Ohki K.
Cell Reports, 2019

Neuronal Origin of the Temporal Dynamics of Spontaneous BOLD Activity Correlation
Matsui T, Murakami T, Ohki K.
Cereb Cortex. 2018 Mar 7. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy045. [Epub ahead of print]

Cell Type Specific Representation of Vibro-tactile Stimuli in the Mouse Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Ayako Hayashi, Takashi Yoshida, Kenichi Ohki.
Front. Neural Circuits, 2018

Astrocytes in the mouse visual cortex reliably respond to visual stimulation
Sonoda K, Matsui T, Murakami T, Bito H, Ohki K.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2018

Mouse optical imaging for understanding resting-state functional connectivity in human fMRI
Matsui T, Murakami T, Ohki K.
Article: e1528821 | Received 22 Aug 2018, Accepted 19 Sep 2018, Published online: 21 Oct 2018,doi:10.1080/19420889.2018.1528821

Neuronal Origin of the Temporal Dynamics of Spontaneous BOLD Activity Correlation
Matsui T, Murakami T, Ohki K.
Cereb Cortex. 2018 Mar 7. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy045. [Epub ahead of print]

Functional Segregation and Development of Mouse Higher Visual Areas
Murakami T, Matsui T, Ohki K.
J Neurosci. 2017 Sep 27;37(39):9424-9437. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0731-17.2017. Epub 2017 Aug 28.

Color Representation Is Retinotopically Biased but Locally Intermingled in Mouse V1
Aihara S, Yoshida T, Hashimoto T, Ohki K.
Front Neural Circuits. 2017 Mar 29;11:22. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2017.00022. eCollection 2017.

Mixed functional microarchitectures for orientation selectivity in the mouse primary visual cortex
Satoru Kondo, Takashi Yoshida & Ohki K.
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13210 (2016)

Transient neuronal coactivations embedded in globally propagating waves underlie resting-state functional connectivity
Matsui T, Murakami T, and Ohki K.
PNAS 113, 20, 6556–6561 (2016)

Laminar differences in the orientation selectivity of geniculate afferents in mouse primary visual cortex
Kondo S and Ohki K.
Nature Neuroscience 19, 316–319 (2016)

Neuronal activity is not required for the initial formation and maturation of visual selectivity
Hagihara KM, Murakami T, Yoshida T, Tagawa Y, and Ohki K.
Nature Neuroscience 18, 1780–1788 (2015)

Wide-field Ca2+ imaging reveals visually evoked activity in the retrosplenial area
Murakami T, Yoshida T, Matsui T, and Ohki K.
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Target dependence of orientation and direction selectivity of corticocortical projection neurons in the mouse V1
Matsui T, Ohki K.
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Functional labeling of neurons and their projections using the synthetic activity-dependent promoter E-SARE
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Long-term down-regulation of GABA decreases orientation selectivity without affecting direction selectivity in mouse primary visual cortex
Hagihara KM, Ohki K.
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Similarity of visual selectivity among clonally related neurons in visual cortex
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